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“it’s not a straight path for some people”

“I grew up in the shadow of PKD, so my word would be pervasive. When I was a kid there was very little knowledge and so a lot of misinformation, so I grew up with a big shadow of PKD over my head pretty much since I was born.”

“Trying to navigate what’s the best thing to eat, how will this affect me, am I going to pay for this, how many minutes is this shaving off of my life?”

“Dialysis is my biggest fear.”

“How many times have you been online and you’ve searched and found information that you know to be incorrect?”

“I have a sister who’s always depressed because of this. And I, you know, she’s depressed because of the pain, she’s depressed because she has it, she’s depressed because you know…and I can’t, I can’t deal with that. I can’t deal with people who are dep—I know it’s rough, I know it’s hard, I have it, but that’s, I don’t want this to get me down.”